Thursday, July 26, 2007

Mage Knight Happy Luck Auction

Wow! I won an e-bay auction for a Mage-Knight sample set. It was closed-box and there were no indications what it would contain. I was hoping for some floor-tiles and wall-tiles for the 3-d dungeons - but was blown away to find 110 figures (mostly very useful ones) and a bunch of treasure chests too!

Delight ain't in it. I'm overwhelmed with auction-bliss! At $20 - what a bargain for me!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Postcards from the center of the Earth!

I buy a lot of used books. Sometimes I find stuff in them. I always think about trying to get this detritus back to its original owners, though I rarely find myself able to do so.

In this case, I bought a copy of E. R. Burrough's hollow earth stories - an omnibus edition with "At the Earth's Core," "Pellucidar," and "Tanar of Pellucidar." Inside was a post-card from 1977. It was a guy named "Rob" and sent to Mr. Jim Boudreau in Albany.

I bought the book at a used bookstore in Rochester in 2002.

Here's what the postcard said:

22 Jan 1977
Dear Jim,

How were your holidays? Mine were
great. I'm here in Austria with my girl-friend Martha. I've spent
the last couple of weeks job searching in Vienna with little luck.
Foreigners aren't needed in the labor force! But Martha and I have been to
see many old friends here as well as to the theater and an operetta. Write
soon and let me know if you have a job.


Sent to:
Mr. Jim Boudreau
10 Beach Ave. Apt C
Albany, New York
USA 12209

Anyway, I've included scans of the postcard front & back. If you find this postcard, Mr. Boudreau - I hope you've found work somewhere since 1977! I wonder about you. Did you get to see Star Wars? I heard it was quite the thing that year. And did Rob and Martha ever get work in Austria?

Who knows?