Sunday, October 01, 2006

NaNoWriMo - Pledge?

Well, I'm already committed to producing a novel in 1 year. I know this is an achievable goal. But what about "crazy" goals?

Can I write a novel in 1 month? A 30 day month? Along with 59,000+ other people trying to do the same?

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo - pronounced nan-oh-rhyme-oh) is coming up in November. All you have to do to participate is sign up and keep track of your word count. "Winning" involves reaching your 50,000 word goal.

Last year (2005) 59,000 people participated with 9769 completing the whole 50K words in the 30 days. That's a "success rate" of 16% - which ain't bad. And from what I hear the community out there in NaNoWriMo land is quite friendly and supportive.

You can donate to them and help support their website ( and they will donate excess funds to support the creation of libraries in needy parts of the world.

I don't want to say I'll succeed at this. I'm not going to get all Tony Robbins (Though I have found inspiration in some of his work). But I want to challenge my friends who are writers and have succumbed to apathy, laziness, fear, excuses, and all the ailments that writers are heir to - and urge them to join me in my silly Quixotic quest to write a novel in one month.

The rules say you can't start until November 1st. I've got other stuff (my "real" novel) to work on in the mean time, but you can go ahead and name your characters, develop your plot outlines, think up vicious things to happen to your heroes, and wonderful rewards for others. It's your book. It's your time.

You might get hit by a bus December 1st. Wouldn't that feel better if you could die secure in the knowledge that you'd squeezed 50,000 words out of your fingers?

I will be hosting a celebratory dinner for myself and any of my local friends who achieve this goal. If I make 50,000 words in November I'll have much to celebrate indeed. Look out, Taco Bell - writer's coming through for 4th meal.

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