Monday, October 30, 2006

They're Tearing Down Aker's Mill Theater Today

It'll be gone in an hour or two. Very efficient.

I tried to contact the owners back in 2001 to find out how much it would cost to lease the place, and perhaps start a Cinema/Draft-house. They told me that they were planning a big renovation and didn't want to rent it or lease it.

I see now that they've hired Designs by Caterpillar - I think I saw them on DIY.

It is where I saw my first midnight movie.
It is where I saw my first "R" rated movie.
It is where I saw the re-release of "Heavy Metal"
It is where my friend John first saw "Dawn of the Dead."

Of course it is also where I saw "Event Horizon," for which the bulldozer may balance Karma.

1 comment:

Mike D. said...

Damn, that is where I saw my first midnight movie, and it was Dawn of the Dead. I have never been the same.

I will miss ye'!

--Mike D.