Thursday, September 21, 2006

Call of Cthulhu

Call of Cthulhu may be my favorite RPG. It probably is. It is definitely the one I feel most comfortable running & playing - and I have a lot of source books for it.

The publishers at Chaosium are running a contest, soliciting for Halloween-Themed adventures for one of their special books. I may work on that this weekend; the deadline is the 30th of September.

Probably the first really great electronic character generator I ever saw and/or used was made for COC - and it is still out there today, working great. Byakhee is its name, and it is now a sourceforge project if you've any interest in making a D20 version. (Though the original version of the game and generator are super-fun, super-easy and golly-gee-whiz, just Super!)

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