Monday, September 25, 2006

Practice what you preach?

I finally got around to actually BUILDING a system of my own instead of buying one already assembled. No, seriously.

I've done thousands of repairs on thousands of systems, including changing out system boards but in all the time I've been using PCs I've never gotten around to installing my own system board replacement until tonight.

I'm installing the O/S right now - but it seems like (cross-fingers) I got it right the first time. If you've never done this before, installing OEM equipment instead of fully component-ized Dell, Compaq or [BRAND-X] systems it is a bit different. Reading the silk-screens and matching them to the manuals instructions is quite a treat.

A special thanks to Mung, who pointed me in the correct direction on lining up the various LED cables since that was not explained in the manual.


I am moving along with my COC scenario submission. Not sure if I'll make the deadline, but I'm definitely enjoying the writing and creation.

In other game-writing news, my article on Wights is coming along. I hope to get it done by Thursday so I can submit it to Pyramid this week - but if it goes out till next week that'd be OK too. Since it doesn't have a deadline I should probably focus on the COC adventure.

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